ALTITUDE MEDIA ATTEMPTS TO BRING TOGETHER A DIVERSE COLLECTION OF articles, videos and quotes from a variety of sources, with an intention of either introducing new perspectives in business and life or remind us what we already know.
“Investing time in understanding the psychology of the when, how, why you do things is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of wisdom and strength. Understanding yourself is at the core of getting the edge in Business and in Life.”
-Julie-Ann Tathem, M.A. Founder & CEO Tathem LLC
“If there is a central law of the psyche, it is that what is unconscious will be projected. This is why Jung observed that “when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside, as fate.”
-James Hollis, The Eden Project.
“A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous and then dismissed as trivial, until finally it becomes what everybody knows.”
-William James.
“At crucial points in our lives, we are placed in situations that require of us unaccustomed skill, courage, or wisdom. Such moments are indications that our Sacred Contract is in play, but how we respond to these moments is up to us. We grow primarily through our challenges, especially those life-changing moments when we begin to recognize aspects of our nature that make us different from the family and culture in which we have been raised.”
-Caroline Myss, Sacred Contracts
“Separation from the things of the past is one of the prices we pay for progress. We cannot have a fresh, new move of Spirit in our lives and through our lives using old ways – we cannot hold on to all the old stuff and just tack on the new. It will not work.”
-Joyce Meyers
“You cannot come to know the depths of the purpose of your life, however, if you are not willing to release those parts of your life that are no longer necessary.”
-Caroline Myss, Sacred Contracts
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
-Howard Thurman
“What does it mean to be spiritual? Let me throw out the five hallmarks that I think cover most of the spiritual bases: 1) meaning or purpose; 2) compassion; 3) consciousness; 4) service; 5) well-being.“
-Patricia Aburdene