Altitude Advantage

The Altitude Strategy™ is an honest and compassionate approach and addresses the microscopic and personal psychological elements outlined below.

The traditional approach to stress management is not best equipped to deal with what many perceive as the harsh realities of the new world. The squeeze to do more with less in the workplace, the trauma of personal job loss or that of a colleague, and increased uncertainty regarding career path and compensation structure, particularly in the financial world, are just some of the issues which can adversely impact esteem and the psyche.

On the personal front, the stresses we face today are more complex and bleed into our professional decision making process and choices. The notion that we can separate our work from our personal life, and achieve work-life balance by a rigorous allocation of resources is not sustainable. Finding fulfillment on a personal level with ourselves and our partners, navigating familial relationships, adjusting lifestyles in the changing economic environment, and being reminded of our own mortality when we face the illness or bereavement of our parents, pose further challenges.

The Altitude Advantage™ is that by recognizing our strengths and limitations, realigning our skills and reaffirming our beliefs in what we do well, helps drives our personal well-being, health and income stream. By partnering with you and applying the Altitude Framework™, we can start the process of discovery.

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